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Our employees

Our team is led by qualified personnel. All employees have received training appropriate to their function. In terms of number and employees, the number of staff is based on the care key and is based on cantonal guidelines. At least one qualified carer is always present during opening hours.


A motivated, cheerful team looks after your child and accompanies it throughout the day. We value a familiar, familiar atmosphere in the team.



The day care center is located in a 4½ room apartment on Hauptstrasse 17 in 4302 Augst. The rooms are divided according to the needs of the children and decorated in a friendly way. There are different areas, such as a playroom with a building corner and construction games, a doll corner, a cozy corner and various retreats. The dining area is also used as a play and handicraft area. We also have direct access to the playground in the inner courtyard.

collaboration with parents

Parents are the most important caregivers, with whom we put the well-being of the child first. A child only feels comfortable with us when the parents feel that they are in good hands in our daycare center. For this reason, there is always an introductory talk at the beginning. For this purpose, the team and the conception are presented and the contractual basis is discussed. Our team always approaches the parents if extraordinary circumstances arise. Once a year we invite all parents to a personal meeting with parents, the so-called assessment of where they stand. In this regard, educational issues or counseling issues are discussed. If necessary, parents can ask us to talk to them at any time. In addition, there are theme-related parents' evenings or parents' afternoons, as well as an informative letter to parents at regular intervals.


"A team is a group of people who have entered into a close working relationship and are committed to a common, agreed goal" (kindergarten today called team development).


Cooperation and mutual acceptance are of high relevance in our team. The quality of our pedagogical work is determined by the constructive cooperation of the employees in the team.  We are careful to offer every single employee the opportunity to contribute their own wishes, values and abilities to the joint work. Due to our different ages, our individual inclinations, strengths and interests, we have the opportunity to respond comprehensively to the needs of the children. We use our diversity as the basis for a wide range of educational offers for the children and their families. Accordingly, we all have a common educational goal in mind.

Drita .jpg

Managing director / daycare manager

Drita Karaliti Graduate Early Childhood Teacher

My goal is to run a day care center where I can offer children a place where they feel comfortable and secure. Through the individual interests of the children, we playfully promote specific areas of development in a targeted and needs-oriented manner. Our guiding principle is participation in everyday life.

The day-care center enables the children to have a variety of natural experiences in everyday life! Be it in nature, playing or doing handicrafts, singing or in everyday interactions.
These experiences are important to encourage the children and in their development
to move on. Every child should be seen in their uniqueness.

Zainab Samaali
Specialist childcare EFZ

Languages: German, Italian, English, French, Arabic and Albanian.

My goal is to enable the individual child to develop according to their age and to promote their abilities accordingly. My favorite motto: "Help me to do it myself" (Maria Montessori).


„Man veredelt die Pflanzen durch die Zucht und die Menschen durch Erziehung.“ (J. J. Rousseau, Pädagoge &Philosoph) in meinem Fall, durch die individuelle Betreuung und Förderung. Wenn ich so an meine Arbeit mit Kindern zurückdenke, sind die schönsten und die lernreichsten Erfahrungen, die an der Hand eines Kindes gewesen.

Lina Amara
Englisch Erzieherin
My name is Lina Amara. I`m an english teacher, living in France. I have a daughter born 2022.I worked in several Kitas in France and Switzerland. I love to go outside with the childreen, read books and dance with them. The most important for me is to answer the children`s needs individually and encourage them to do by them self.


Kristína Bieliková
Englisch Erzieherin EFZ


Hello! My name is Kristína and I come from

Slovakia. I have worked as a teacher in a primary

school, but I also have experience working with

children in a kindergarten and a day care. I

moved to Switzerland in order to get to know

the Swiss education system and to further

develop my skills in educating children

Doha Baccouche
1. Lehrjahr


Der Beruf Fachfrau Betreuung interessiert mich deshalb so sehr, weil der Tagesablauf abwechslungsreich ist und eine gute Grundbildung für meine berufliche Zukunft bietet. Die Arbeit mit den Kindern sowie auch die Arbeit im Team bereitet mir sehr Freude und fällt mir dank meiner Kommunikativen Persönlichkeit und meiner guten Umgangsform sehr leicht. Für mich ist es faszinierend zu sehen, wie ein Kind sich entwickelt. Außerdem ist es mir wichtig, dass ich in meinem späteren Beruf in Kontakt mit Menschen bleiben werde. 

Joya Straub

2. Lehrjahr

Ich gehe jeden Morgen gerne in die Kita um gemeinsam mit den Kindern den Tag zu gestallten. Was mir besonders gefällt ist, dass dieser Beruf sehr vielfaltig ist und jeder Tag mit einer neuen Herausforderung startet. Es fällt einfach auf die Kinder zuzugehen und auch in herausfordernden Situationen Lösungen zu finden. Ich gebe den Kindern gerne Erfahrungen und Grenzen von mir mit, so wie sie mir auch täglich etwas Neues lernen und mitgeben. Ob Regen oder Sonnenschein, ich gehe immer gerne nach draussen um mit den Kindern etwas zu Unternehmen. Es bereitet mir eine grosse Freude die Kinder wachsen zu sehen und sie in einem Abschnitt Ihrer Kindheit zu begleiten.


Soraya Rosamilia

Ich heisse Soraya bin 16 Jahre alt und möchte diesen Beruf Fachfrau Betreuung erlernen.


Ich möchte die Kinder in ihrer Entwicklung fördern und mit ihnen viele spannende Aktivitäten durchführen. Mein Ziel ist es Lehrerin zu werden. Dieser Beruf macht mir viel Spass, da es sehr vielfältig ist.


Die Kinder zaubern mir ein Lächeln ins Gesicht

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